Are you a student of Pokhara University currently enrolled in management faculty? Do you want to boost your academic grade? Look no further! One of the greatest ways to improve your grade is to review and practice the old questions paper collections. This helps you to get valuable insights about the format, structure, and types of questions that may be asked in the exam.
This article contains all the previous year’s question papers on the subject: “Business and Society” from 2016 to now in the sequences as per chapter. Believe me! This article will surely help in your academic journey.
Chapter 1: Business and Society
Very Short Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 1
Define concept of business and society.
2021 Spring Q.No. 1
Draw a diagram to show the relationship between business and society from system perspective.
2021 Fall Q.No. 1
List the main advantages of women at work.
2020 Fall Q.No. 1
Define society and business with examples.
2020 Fall Q.No. 7
Outline the concept of business and society from the system perspective.
2019 Spring Q.No. 1
List any two corporate efforts to promote diversity.
2019 Fall Q.No. 4
Give the significance of business and society in today’s competitive world.
2018 Spring Q.No. 1
Define the concept of Business and Society.
2018 Fall Q.No. 1
How corporate promotes diversity.
2018 Fall Q.No. 1
State any four factors that shape the business-society relationship.
2018 Fall Q.No. 6
State the weaknesses of pluralism?
2017 Spring Q.No. 1
Define the concept of business and society.
2017 Spring Q.No. 3
Identify the benefits of women at work.
2016 Fall Q.No. 1
Write just one paragraph about the logic behind the subject “Business and Society”.
Descriptive Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 11
Describe various factors that shape the relationship between business and society. In your opinion, which factor is the most crucial in Nepali context? Support your views.
2021 Spring Q.No. 11
Define business and society. Discuss the forces shaping business and society relationship.
2021 Fall Q.No. 11
Define business. What are force that shape business and society relationship.
2020 Spring Q.No. 11
Explain the various forces shaping the business and society relationship. Among them, which forces do you think most relevant in the Nepalese context? Discuss.
2020 Fall Q.No. 11
Define the relationship between business and society. Do you think the expectation of society in Nepal changing over the time period? If yes, outline the major changing expectation towards business in Nepal.
2019 Spring Q.No. 11
According to you, what are the reasons for women being back at working place? Also discuss the remedy of the reasons.
2019 Fall Q.No. 11
explain the various forces shaping the business and society relationship. Among them which forces do you think are most relevant in the Nepalese context? Discuss.
2018 Fall Q.No. 15
How a business organization can promote diversity in workforce? Discuss with suitable examples.
2017 Spring Q.No. 11
Explain the forces shaping the relationship between business and society.
2017 Spring Q.No. 12
Discuss how the companies can encourage and promote workforce diversity.
2016 Spring Q.No. 11
Explain the relationship between business and society form the system perspective in details.
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Corporate Society Responsibility (CSR)
Very Short Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 2
List out the benefit of Corporate Society Responsibility.
2022 Fall Q.No. 3
Illustrate Carroll’s CSR pyramid in short.
2021 Spring Q.No. 2
List out the theories of Corporate Society Responsibility.
2021 Spring Q.No. 9
List out any three arguments for corporate social responsibility.
2021 Fall Q.No. 9
Define corporate social responsibility.
2020 Fall Q.No. 2
What is corporate citizenship?
2020 Fall Q.No. 2
Explain the bottom line of CSR.
2020 Fall Q.No. 10
Outline two differences between stakeholder theory and ownership theory of the firm?
2019 Spring Q.No. 2
What do you mean by corporate social performance?
2019 Spring Q.No. 6
Define Corporate Social Responsibility and list any two challenges.
2019 Fall Q.No. 1
Define corporate citizenship.
2019 Fall Q.No. 6
List out the bottom line of CSR.
2019 Fall Q.No. 9
What is corporate citizenship?
2018 Spring Q.No. 4
What is the provision about CSR spending in the Industrial Enterprise Act, 2073 of Nepal?
2018 Fall Q.No. 3
Define corporate social responsiveness.
2018 Fall Q.No. 7
Enlist the benefits of CSR?
2018 Fall Q.No. 9
Define Corporate Citizenship.
2017 Spring Q.No. 2
Define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
2017 Spring Q.No. 5
What is corporate citizenship?
2017 Fall Q.No. 1
What does the stakeholder theory of the firm state?
2016 Spring Q.No. 3
List out the drivers of CSR.
Descriptive Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 12
Why is CSR important to business organizations? Explain in short the theories of CSR, with their respective strengths and weaknesses.
2021 Spring Q.No. 12
Define Corporate Social Responsibility. Illustrate the key drivers of CSR.
2021 Fall Q.No. 12
Define CSR. Explain the pyramid of corporate social responsibility.
2021 Fall Q.No. 13
Compare and contrast shareholder value theory and stakeholder theory. Which one is superior and why?
2020 Spring Q.No. 2
Corporate social responsibility is one of the hottest issues in corporate boardrooms these days, partly because it is becoming increasingly important to employees and other stakeholders. in you opinion, why have stakeholders given CSR more attention recently? Does abiding by CSR standards potentially cause companies to have conflicting objectives with some stakeholders in some situations?
2020 Fall Q.No. 16
Explain the major reasons to follow CSR by business organizations.
2019 Spring Q.No. 12
What are the different elements of society responsibility? Explain them with suitable examples.
2019 Spring Q.No. 17
What do you mean by corporate citizenship? Explain five stages of developing corporate citizenship.
2019 Fall Q.No. 12
Define corporate social responsibility. Explain theories of corporate society responsibility.
2018 Spring Q.No. 16
Define the ‘sustainability’. Do you think of CSR as a means of sustainability? Explain with suitable example.
2018 Fall Q.No. 11
Define corporate social responsibility. Explain and illustrate different models of corporate social responsibility.
2017 Spring Q.No. 13
Define the ‘sustainability’. Do you think of CSR as a means of sustainability? Explain with a suitable example.
2017 Fall Q.No. 12
Explain basic elements of social responsibility. How they are organized? Which element is the must for business?
2016 Spring Q.No. 12
Shareholders’ interest and stakeholders’ interest are always being a matter of discussion in business houses. In your opinion, how do shareholder’s value theory and stakeholder theory of the firm differ form each other?
Chapter 3: Business and Its Stakeholders
Very Short Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 4
Distinguish between market and non-market stakeholder of business.
2022 Fall Q.No. 5
Describe the concept of making trade-offs.
2022 Fall Q.No. 9
When does stakeholders from coalitions?
2020 Fall Q.No. 4
Define the win-win situation between business and society.
2019 Spring Q.No. 1
Define primary and secondary stakeholders.
2019 Fall Q.No. 7
What do you understand by stakeholder activism?
2018 Spring Q.No. 6
What is mixed-blessing stakeholder?
2018 Fall Q.No. 2
Distinguish between market and non-market stakeholders of business.
2017 Spring Q.No. 4
What is stakeholder interest?
2017 Fall Q.No. 4
How are primary stakeholders different than secondary stakeholders?
2017 Fall Q.No. 4
What is stakeholder interest?
2017 Fall Q.No. 4
How are primary stakeholders different than secondary stakeholders?
2017 Fall Q.No. 10
State four types of stakeholder powers.
2016 Fall Q.No. 4
What is stakeholder coalition?
Descriptive Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 13
Managers should possess a sound knowledge on how to perform Stakeholders Analysis. Why? Explain the relationship between stakeholders interest and stakeholders power.
2021 Spring Q.No. 13
“Modern CSR Paradigm is all about creating a win-win situation between business and society.” Elucidate.
2021 Spring Q.No. 14
If you are planning to establish a business after completing your bachelor degree, how would you analyze the stakeholders?
2020 Spring Q.No. 13
“Stakeholder analysis involves more than simply identifying stakeholders; it also involves understanding the nature of their interests, power, legitimacy, and links with one another”. In the context of the above statement explain the stakeholders analysis with suitable examples.
2020 Fall Q.No. 12
Why stakeholder analysis to be needed? Explain briefly incorporating stakeholder power, interest and coalitions and activism.
2019 Spring Q.No. 13
What do you mean by a win-win situation between business and society? How this situation can be created?
2019 Fall Q.No. 13
What is stakeholders’ analysis? Explain the relationship between stakeholders’ power and stakeholder’s interest.
2018 Spring Q.No. 11
Explain the relationship between business and stakeholder with a suitable example.
2018 Fall Q.No. 12
What do you mean by stakeholder management? Explain the steps of the stakeholder management cycle.
2018 Fall Q.No. 17
Explain the elements of stakeholder analysis. Briefly discuss the method of incorporating stakeholder power, interest and coalitions.
2017 Spring Q.No. 14
Discuss stakeholder analysis. How do you think the key stakeholder’s issues can be managed?
2017 Fall Q.No. 13
Who are the various stakeholders that shape any business? Briefly explain the four aspects of stakeholder analysis.
2016 Fall Q.No. 13
Explain how you analyze the stakeholder’s interest, power and coalitions.
Chapter 4: Business Ethics
Very Short Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 6
Should Whistle Blowing be encouraged in organization? Why?
2022 Fall Q.No. 8
Point out any two importance of ethical audit.
2021 Spring Q.No. 4
Illustrate whistle blowing withiits types.
2021 Spring Q.No. 6
Give the concept of ethical audit.
2021 Fall Q.No. 4
Give the concept of Whistle Blowing.
2021 Fall Q.No. 5
Explain ethical audit. Why it is important?
2021 Fall Q.No. 10
What is code of ethics?
2020 Fall Q.No. 5
Differentiate between descriptive ethics and normative ethics.
2020 Fall Q.No. 8
List out the principles of the UN Global Compact.
2020 Fall Q.No. 9
Write two examples of cross-cultural contradictions that create ethical problems in business in Nepal.
2019 Spring Q.No. 4
What is whistle-blowing in the context of business ethics?
2019 Spring Q.No. 10
Interpret the term ‘business ethics’ or corporate ethics.
2019 Fall Q.No. 3
What is whistle-blowing?
2019 Fall Q.No. 5
What is an ethics audit?
2018 Spring Q.No. 7
What is ethical reasoning?
2018 Spring Q.No. 8
Explain the ethics audit in brief.
2018 Spring Q.No. 9
Differentiate between descriptive ethics and normative ethics.
2018 Fall Q.No. 4
What is whistle-blowing? Explain with respect to business ethics.
2018 Fall Q.No. 5
What is ethics audit? Why it is needed in business?
2017 Spring Q.No. 6
List out the core elements of ethical character.
2017 Spring Q.No. 7
What is whistle-blowing?
2017 Fall Q.No. 2
Define ethics.
2017 Fall Q.No. 6
Why should businesses be ethical? State four reasons.
2017 Fall Q.No. 8
What do you understand by the term “whistle-blowing’?
2017 Fall Q.No. 9
Define ethics audit. For whom it is most important?
2016 Fall Q.No. 6
What are the causes of ethical problem in business?
2016 Fall Q.No. 7
What is code of ethics?
Descriptive Answer Question
2022 Fall Q.No. 14
What are the major ethical issues that business faces today? Make a comparison between society’s expectations of business ethics and actual business ethics.
2022 Fall Q.No. 16
Why business should be ethical? What are the causes of ethical problems in organizations? Explain in short.
2021 Spring Q.No. 15
Define business ethics. Critically evaluate the implications of ethics on business and society.
2021 Fall Q.No. 14
Define business ethics. Explain the various causes and consequences of ethical problem in business.
2020 Spring Q.No. 14
Discuss some recent examples of businesses engaging in unethical practices. Classify these practices as issues of conflict of interest, fairness, and honesty, communications, or business relationships. Why do you think the businesses chose to behave unethically? What actions might the businesses have taken?
2020 Fall Q.No. 13
Explain the ethics audits? How do the organizations conduct ethics aduits? What are the improvements be found after conducting ethics audits?
2019 Spring Q.No. 14
What do you understand by ethics training programs? Discuss the elements of an ethics training program.
2019 Fall Q.No. 14
Describe UN global compact along with its principles.
2019 Fall Q.No. 15
What do you understand by ethics training programs? What we really want to achieve by ethics training programs? Explain elements of ethics training programs.
2018 Spring Q.No. 13
Give the concept of whistle-blowing and state its consequences to the whistle-blower, to the organization against which complaint is made, and to society. Should it be encouraged in the workplace?
2017 Spring Q.No. 15
What are the major ethical issues that businesses face today? Make a comparison between society’s expectations of business ethics and actual business ethics.
2017 Fall Q.No. 14
Describe corporate ethics. List out causes of ethical problems.
2016 Spring Q.No. 14
Explain the core elements of ethical character. Also, explain the concept of whistle-blowing in the organization.
Chapter 5: Corporate Governance
Very Short Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 7
List any six significance of a strong corporate governance.
2021 Spring Q.No. 5
Define corporate governance.
2021 Spring Q.No. 7
Explain briefly the stewardship theory.
2021 Spring Q.No. 8
Distinguish between corporate citizenship and corporate governance.
2021 Fall Q.No. 6
Make a distinction between agency theory and transaction cost economics.
2019 Spring Q.No. 5
Define Corporate Governance.
2019 Fall Q.No. 2
Outline the major principle of corporate governance.
2018 Spring Q.No. 3
Outline the OECD principles of corporate governance.
2018 Fall Q.No. 10
What do you mean by governance gap?
2017 Spring Q.No. 8
What are the scopes of Corporate Governance?
2017 Spring Q.No. 10
List out the major challenges of good governance.
2017 Fall Q.No. 7
Write the significance of corporate governance?
2016 Fall Q.No. 8
What is Agency Theory?
Descriptive Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 15
Corporate governance is essential for conducting business as per the rules and regulations. The importance of governance is increasing in developing countries like Nepal. In this context, explain its impact on business, society and economy.
2021 Spring Q.No. 17
Compare and contrast agency theory, transaction cost economics and stewardship theory. Which one do you think superior and why?
2021 Fall Q.No. 15
Explain in detail the theories governing corporate governance.
2019 Spring Q.No. 15
Compare and contrast agency theory, transaction cost economics, and stewardship theory. Which one do you think is superior and why?
2019 Fall Q.No. 16
Define Corporate Governance. Explain the relevance of Corporate Governance. Do you think better Governance practices boost corporate performance? Give your point of view.
2018 Spring Q.No. 12
Compare and Contrast agency theory, transaction cost economics, and stewardship theory. Which one do you think is superior and why?
2018 Fall Q.No. 13
Differentiate agency theory and stewardship their of corporate governance.
2017 Spring Q.No. 16
Define corporate governance. Explain impact of corporate governance on business and society.
2017 Fall Q.No. 15
Explain the agency theory of corporate governance.
2016 Spring Q.No. 15
Define Corporate Governance, its scope and its principles.
Chapter 6: CSR, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Issues in Nepal
Very Short Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 10
Give some examples of unethical business practices in Nepal.
2021 Spring Q.No. 10
What are the roles of government for promoting CSR in Nepal?
2021 Fall Q.No. 7
State any four CSR activities of Nepalese companies.
2019 Fall Q.No. 8
Given example of CSR activities in the context of Nepal.
2018 Fall Q.No. 8
List out the major business ethical issues in Nepal.
2016 Fall Q.No. 9
Explain the status of CSR in Nepal.
2016 Fall Q.No. 10
How do you interlink CSR with business ethics in Nepal?
Descriptive Answer Questions
2022 Fall Q.No. 17
Discuss various roles of government in promoting CSR. What are your suggestions to the government for promoting CSR in Nepal?
2021 Spring Q.No. 16
Identify major challenges for good corporate governance and give your suggestions to improve good governance in Nepalese business organization.
2021 Fall Q.No. 16
Critically examine the corporate governance system in Nepalese organization.
2021 Fall Q.No. 17
Discuss the major ethical business issues in Nepal.
2020 Spring Q.No. 12
Explain briefly the major CSR practice in the workplace. Which practice do you think is relatively important in the context like Nepal? Discuss.
2020 Fall Q.No. 14
Corporate governance is one of the important aspects of a business. However, the practice of corporate governance is not satisfactory in Nepal. in the given context, explain the major challenges of corporate governance practice in Nepal.
2020 Fall Q.No. 15
What needs to be done for improving ethical business practices and the governance system in the Nepalese context?
2020 Fall Q.No. 17
Explain the current practices of CSR in Nepal with suitable examples. Do you have any suggestions for improving the existing practices? Explain.
2019 Spring Q.No. 16
What needs to be done for improving ethical business practices and the governance system in the Nepalese context? Also, explain the role of the government in promoting Corporate Social Responsibilities activities in Nepal.
2019 Fall Q.No. 17
Why are Nepalese Organizations less focused on CSR? What is the role of the Nepal government in promoting CSR in Nepal?
2018 Spring Q.No. 14
Discuss briefly the major ethical business issues in Nepal. What are your suggestions for improving ethical business practices in Nepal?
2018 Spring Q.No. 17
How do you assess the current status of CSR and corporate governance in Nepal? Do you satisfy the current role of the government to promote CSR-related activities in Nepal? If not, make your suggestion what government should do?
2018 Fall Q.No. 14
Explain the existing corporate governance systems in Nepal and suggest measures to improve the governance system in the Nepalese business sector.
2018 Fall Q.No. 16
Define business ethics. Give your suggestions for improving existing ethical problems ethical problems in Nepalese organization.
2017 Spring Q.No. 17
Discuss the legal provision governing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Nepal? What do you suggest for improving the existing CSR practices in Nepal?
2017 Fall Q.No. 16
Present your view on the status of CSR in Nepal and various CSR issues we face as a developing country.
2017 Fall Q.No. 17
Analyze ethical business practices conducted by corporate houses of Nepal and the role of government in promoting CSR.
2016 Spring Q.No. 16
Discuss the role of the Government in promoting CSR in Nepal.
2016 Spring Q.No. 17
Highlight the corporate governance system in Nepalese organizations with suitable suggestions for improving the existing corporate governance system in Nepal.