Human Resources Management Challenges

Human resources management (HRM) is the process of achieving organizational objectives through the acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resources (employees). A person who performs these activities or functions known as an HR manager. S/he has to face different challenges while performing these tasks. Some of the human resources management challenges are:

Challenges of HR Manager (HR issues and Challenges)

Human resources management challenges

Outsourcing HR activities

A trend that seen nowadays is outsourcing HR activities. Due to outsourcing, the importance and need of the HR department are in danger which also arise a threat to the HR manager. In the present day, firms that outsource the majority of HR activities have only the ‘Skelton HR Department’. There is a big challenge in front of HR managers to justify that their department is not less important than any other department in an organization.

Work-life Balance

It is one of the major issues not only for employees but also for managers in maintaining work-life balance. To maintain work-life balance (reducing the level of stress, anxiety, and depression among employees), Human resources management challenges introducing a work-life balance program. Such as; introducing flexible work hours, job sharing, flexible leave policies, counseling programs, etc. It increases the level of satisfied employees. As a result, productivity increases.

Making HR Activities ethical

‘Making HR Activities ethical’ is concerned with maintaining ethical behavior while doing HR functions (acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance). Ethical behavior is characterized by honesty, fairness, and equity in interpersonal, professional, and academic relationships (src). Not only the HR managers but also the employees maintain their ethics. However, HR managers are blamed for accepting bribes and being involved in unethical practices. And unethical managers cannot make their employees ethical.

Change in employee expectation

It is one of the big challenges for Human resources management to identify the changing needs or expectations of employees. On the previous day, employees satisfied with Traditional motivation tools such as attractive salaries, job security, housing, better office, etc. But in the modern day, employees demand intrinsic rewards i.e. teamwork, autonomy empowerment, ethical behavior and equity, participative management, intuitive culture, etc.  

Partnership relationship with unions

It is an unfair practice from employers’ side to dominate (or interfere with) either the formation or the administration of labor unions. In general, employers, as well as manager attitude toward labor unions, is negative(strike, lockouts, etc). But labor union is managed properly, there are many advantages and disadvantages to the organization. It helps to convert the opponents/employees with a negative attitude towards the organization into friendship roles. This brings smoothness to the operation of an organization. But is not an easy task for an HR manager to manage and convert union or labor union attitudes.

Corporate Reorganization

The reorganization of big businesses in the form of mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, etc., has posed a greater challenge for HRM these days. The employee of both ‘taking over’ as well as ‘taking over’ companies will have anxious moments. It is due to fear of loss of jobs, benefits, roles, assignments, etc. It is difficult for HR managers to manage their employees regarding these matters.

Changing qualities of HR Professionals

In general HR manager means a person in a position in the HR Department who managed the employees of the organization. But in fact, HR managers are not only limited to it. The HR managers also have to bear different responsibilities and duties. Likewise; job design, maintaining good relationships with unions and polities parties, etc. Thus, HR managers required different skills and qualities to perform his/her duties.

Thus, managing human resources is not simple as we think. It is one of the tough works of the organization. Not everyone can manage the human resources of the organization so the top level of management have to give special attention to the recruitment and retention of an HR manager.

Key Points to Remember

  • Outsourcing of Activities: Due to outsourcing, the importance and need of the HR department are in danger which also arise a threat to the HR manager.
  • Work-Life Balance: Due to globalization, increase in competition, changing in consumer expectations. It is difficult for an HR manager to maintain his/her own as well as his/her employee’s expectation
  • Making HR Activities Ethical: maintaining ethical behavior while doing HR functions (acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance) is one of the challenges to HRM.
  • Change in employee expectation: It is one of the big challenges for Human resources management to identify the changing needs or expectations of employees.
  • Partnership Relationship with Union: Building a friendship relationship with a labor union or trade union is one of the most difficult tasks of HR managers today.
  • Corporate Reorganization: At the time of reorganization, fear of loss of jobs, benefits, roles, etc arises among employees. It is difficult for HR managers to manage their employees regarding these matters.
  • Changing Qualities of HR Professionals: The need for skills and knowledge in HR managers changes with changes in the business environment.

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