Managerial Skills and Roles

In this article, we are going to discuss the managerial skills and roles and also their types in detail. Generally, Managerial skills and roles are similar to each other but there is some overlapping aspect. Sometimes managerial roles are also known as managerial functions. Let’s discuss in detail the managerial skills and roles.

Managerial Skills

Management is a complex and challenging task. Managers need different types of skills to perform their works. Robert L Katz groups these skills into three categories. They are Conceptual Skills, Human Skills, and Technical Skills. A manager must have these skills for their administrative performance and to be a successful manager, but the level of requirement of these skills depends upon the level of the manager.

Types of managerial Skills

The skills required to the different level of a manager to be a successful and good manager are shown below;

  1. Conceptual Skills
  2. Human Skills
  3. Technical Skills

In the figure, we can see that different levels of management required different levels of managerial skills. Top-level management needs more conceptual skills than other levels of management but the lower level of management needs more technical skills than others. And every level of management needs a similar level of human skills. It is because human resources help to bring the overall organization into action.

Managerial Skills

Let’s discuss managerial skills needed at different level of management in details;

  • Conceptual Skill

Conceptual skills refer to the ability to visualize the entire picture of an organization’s environment i.e internal and external. It is the ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations or problems. This skill especially needs in the top level of management because this skill help the top-level managers to be properly identified, analyzed, diagnose, anticipated, and managed the situation which is helpful to make plans, policies, and strategies.

  • Human Skill

Human skills involve the ability to understand, lead, communicate, coordinate and control the behavior of other individuals and groups. As we know all the levels of human resources help to bring an organization into action. So, the manager needs knowledge and skills in the field such as communication, motivation, conflict management, etc. Therefore, every level of management requires the same level of human skills.

  • Technical Skills

Technical skills refer to the ability and knowledge in using the equipment, techniques, and procedures involved in specific tasks. The first-line supervisors need the technical skills the most because they have to see that goods and services are produced and delivered.

Managerial Roles

Management is a complex and challenging task so managers have to play various roles to manage the organization. Managerial roles refer to a specific behavior required for managing the tasks. A management thinker Mintzberg has identified 10 different roles that manager has to perform in the organization for managing the organization. He has classified these 10 different roles into 3 (three) categories i.e. interpersonal role, informational role, and decisional role. Managers have to adopt these roles to perform their works like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, etc. smoothly.

Types of Roles of Manager

  • Interpersonal Role
  • Informational Role
  • Decisional Role
Roles of Manager

Interpersonal Role

Managers perform an interpersonal role in order to coordinate and interact with organizational members. through this role, the manager provides direction and instruction to the employees. And also build relationships inside and outside of the organization.

          Interpersonal role is sub-classified into three activities;

  • Figurehead role

A manager should perform a figurehead role. Figurehead’s role means participating in ceremonies such as greeting and receiving visitors, chairing board meetings, and symbolically representing the organization.

  • Leader role

The leader role refers to directing, coordinating, motivating, staffing, and controlling the subordinates. In other words, managers are responsible to bring human resources into action.

  • Liaison role

The liaison role refers that maintaining good relationships outside the organization. It helps to build a good image in the market which also contributes to increasing the market share. Managers have also to build a good relationship with other organizations, groups, suppliers, etc.

Informational Role

Managers have to develop a network of contact and the relation both within and outside the organization for the collection, procession, and dissemination of information.

Informational role is sub-classified in three types;

  • Monitor role

These roles state that the manager should monitor all the activities of the organization and collect information about the work performed.

  • Disseminator role

These roles state that manager should collect the information from the employee and also from outsiders and transmits it to the members of the organization. They should provide the information to the subordinates also and keep them informed of what is going in the organization and precautions to be taken.

  • Spokesperson role

The spokesperson’s role says that the manager should transmit the information about the organization`s plan, policies, action, and result to the outsider and serves as an expert on the organization`s industry.

Decisional Role

Decision-making is the vital function of every manager. These roles represent the manager’s power or authority to take decisions. Managers have to take the right decision at right time for the smooth performance of the organization.

Decisional role is sub-classified in four types;

  • Entrepreneurship

This role is concerned with planning and initiating change within the organization. The manager initiates changes, new projects and also identifies new ideas for the success of the organization.

  • Disturbance handler role

This role is concerned with maintaining a good working environment for the smooth performance of an organization. and also deals with threats to the organization. The manager takes corrective action during disputes among subordinates or environmental crises.

  • Resources allocator role

This role is concerned with dealing with the managerial function of allocating resources (money, people, time, equipment, etc) to different units and also to different levels of subordinates.

  • Negotiator Role

This role involves representing as well as protecting the organization`s interest in dealing with insiders and outsiders to add value to work.

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